Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My heart is deep with pain tonight. I have a friend who has some stuff going on right now that has not been known until tonight. I am broken that this person is doing what they are doing and even more broken that I was lied to and that they are unrepentant of it. What do you do when your worst suspicions about someone are confirmed? I go to the Lord. I really have no where else to go. There is this place in John where Jesus has a hard teaching and many of His follower leave. Jesus asks the 12 if they also want to leave and Simon Peter says: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68 NIV). Where else can we go?

Psalm 55 (New International Version)

11Destructive forces are at work in the city;
threats and lies never leave its streets.

12 If an enemy were insulting me,
I could endure it;
if a foe were raising himself against me,
I could hide from him.

13 But it is you, a man like myself,
my companion, my close friend,

14 with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship
as we walked with the throng at the house of God.

15 Let death take my enemies by surprise;
let them go down alive to the grave, [b]
for evil finds lodging among them.

16 But I call to God,
and the LORD saves me.

17 Evening, morning and noon
I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice.

18 He ransoms me unharmed
from the battle waged against me,
even though many oppose me.

19 God, who is enthroned forever,
will hear them and afflict them—
men who never change their ways
and have no fear of God.

20 My companion attacks his friends;
he violates his covenant.

21 His speech is smooth as butter,
yet war is in his heart;
his words are more soothing than oil,
yet they are drawn swords.

22 Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.

23 But you, O God, will bring down the wicked
into the pit of corruption;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
will not live out half their days.
But as for me, I trust in you.

Although I am hurting and grieving, or maybe because I am hurting and grieving, I will cling even more tightly to the Lord. Please pray for wisdom and an open heart for me in dealing with this situation. Pray also that God will grant this person repentance and restore them.

1 comment:

  1. definitely lifting this person up in prayer!
